Homework EC #1: Party and Probability Words Surveys

Due Date: Completed before January 24, 2022 at 11:59pm
Points: Homework EC #1 is worth +2 points

Google@Illinois Access

Almost all of our surveys will be taken with Google@Illinois forms. To get access to these surveys, you will need to enable your Google@Illinois account – this will let you sign into Google services (like Google Drive, etc) with your @illinois.edu identity. (We need to do this to be able to give you extra credit for taking them!)

If you do not have access to the surveys below:

Extra Credit Surveys

The first two extra credit surveys in DISCOVERY is a survey of questions that all deal your perception of words that have different meanings to different people. There is no right answer to any of these questions, but we want to know your first gut answer for these questions.

Each survey is worth +1 point: