Common Issues and Fixes for the Mosaic Project

Common Issues and Fixes for the Mosaic Project

macOS: Unable to pip install sklearn

Some M1 and M2 macs are unable to install sklearn. To complete the project without sklearn, complete the following:

  1. Open up your project_mosaic folder, and find the file,
  2. Completely delete everything in the file and replace the entire file with the contents of this file here:
  3. Save the new
  4. If you have your project notebook open already, click "Restart" at the top of VS Code to make sure it loads your updated This new code no longer requires skimage and you will be able to do everything without skimage. 🙂

Mac OS X -- ImportError: "It seems that scikit-learn has not been built correctly."

If you are on a Mac, this message happens when the version of scikit-image is too new for your OS.

On your terminal, run the following to replace the version of scikit-image with an earlier version that should support your OS:

pip install -U scikit-image==0.17.2