Berkeley's 1973 Graduate Admissions Dataset
The "Berkeley Dataset" contains all 12,763 applicants to UC-Berkeley's graduate programs in Fall 1973. This dataset was published by UC-Berkeley researchers in an analysis to understand the possible gender bias in admissions and has now become a classic example of Simpson's Paradox.Course Catalog Dataset
The "Course Catalog Dataset" contains all 8,589 sections of courses offered at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) during the Fall 2019 semester, organized into structured CSV file.Illini Football Dataset (1892-2020)
The "Football Dataset" contains every game played by the University of Illinois' football team from 1892 through the end of the 2020 season.GPA Dataset (Spring 2010 through Spring 2020)
The "GPA Dataset" contains the GPAs for courses at The University of Illinois over a ten year period from Spring 2010 through Spring 2020.Perception of People at a Party (Fixed Size Dataset)
The "Party Dataset" is an open survey available to everyone to contribute their personal perception of the number of people for seven different terms. This dataset contains only the first 56 responses to allow for consistent analysis.Perception of Probability Words Dataset
The "Probability Words Dataset" is a survey of primary undergraduate students at The University of Illinois and their perception of words that describe a probability of rain on a given day.